Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 7, 2015

Instructions on how to make cakes to supplement menu tasty snack for children

Flan baking to add snack menu for children is very effective and sweet kids enjoyed so flan will be pretty good choice to help mothers create effective snack menu for children, besides flan which contains high levels of nutrients to ensure the child's development. Here are instructions on how to make cakes Flan 
Instructions on how to make cakes to supplement Flan menu tasty snack for children part 1
Flan made for babies from 6 months and older materials are egg yolks, sugar, flour and milk formula. Do not use egg whites as it may cause indigestion bloating infant, rather whites with flour to the mixture and use frozen milk is infant formula instead of cow's milk drink normally.
Note that if the family has one egg allergy should be careful with your baby while feeding flan cake.Should feed little to track your response, if not comfortable feeding themselves. Furthermore, egg is fresh chicken eggs, quarantine decorum nhé the mother.

Flan recipe for baby

  • 30g sugar candy powder. If not, replace it with sugar or sugar mill are. If sweet may fear decreased to 25g.
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 250ml milk formula mixed with hot water (steam lost anyway but that matter)
  • 10g flour
  • Little fishy smell from the vanilla to the egg. Use pure vanilla (vanilla powder vanilla extract and not sell at the market using offline - Full chemical)
  • Beat yolks with sugar, flour. Phase and slowly pour the hot milk into the yolk mixture, just pour the egg and flour stirring to dissolve them, add a little vanilla. Sift the mixture again if necessary because no whites, no fear of pain pig.
  • Split into small jars / canisters / mold. Little baby should eat each subdivided or otherwise make flan normal box, you can not eat all the food and pharmaceutical mother.
  • Bake at 160 degrees C using a water about 40 to 45 minutes is cooked. If no oven is interesting also.
  • Cakes to cool, to cool the refrigerator compartment, before feeding to cool.

Pictures of the whole process of making delicious flan sweet baby

Instructions on how to make cakes to supplement Flan menu tasty snack for children part 2
Instructions on how to make cakes to supplement Flan menu tasty snack for children part 3
Instructions on how to make cakes to supplement Flan menu tasty snack for children part 4

Make caramel

  • Take 3 tablespoons sugar in non-stick pan for boiling until sugar melts.
  • Stir hand, when the gradually turn yellow, add 1 wing stickers little boiling water and stir until slightly thick drink.
  • Ladle caramel into the mold part was prepared and coated the mold surface about 2-3mm.
  • The hardened caramel timeout from 10-15 minutes.
Note caramel is not too diluted or link to harden: too weak to make the cake and caramel mixed prone, hard to make the caramel and cake part was separated.
Instructions on how to make cakes to supplement Flan menu tasty snack for children section 5


  • Mix condensed milk - hot water at the ratio of 1: 1 in separate bowl
  • A separate bowl add the eggs, can be thrown out or put all whites if not for the little family use egg whites.
  • Mark both hands under 1 pm to tan eggs are (rated as thoroughly as interesting will be no fishy smell).Use a sieve to mix the milk mixture into the egg so slowly to avoid foam because foam will appear making steamed buns were pitting. If you accidentally foam cake you can use a device or spoon Skimmer to remove froth red type bye.
  • Now you see the cake had nursed yellow blood are comparable. For more fresh milk to the mixture to the cake more delicious.
Instructions on how to make cakes to supplement Flan menu tasty snack for children part 6
  • Check back again caramel layer to ensure adequate glue. Gradually add the egg milk provided above at least so lightly caramelized mold being mixed up.
  • Depending on the amount of mold and mold encourage you to use that size to thick or thin bread. But the most delicious cake thickness is from 3 - 6 cm only, cake too thin or too thick when removed were pretty difficult and not particularly attractive cake will long and difficult to control the curing reaction of cake.
Instructions on how to make cakes to supplement Flan menu tasty snack for children part 7
Instructions on how to make cakes to supplement Flan menu tasty snack for children part 8

Steamed buns

  • Families that have flung autoclaves or microwaves are easier now. If not we use one large pot, to and between the well 1 cup / bowl again. Pour the water back that bowl. Steamed into the pot disk so that balance.
  • Arrange the steamed cake mold to disk. Now turn to a large extent for the kitchen boiling water and put on small and attractive mode for about 15-40 minutes depending on the thickness of the cake.
  • 5-10 minutes to open the lid and clean the water forms on the pot to avoid falling into baking cakes will be stagnant water and porous offline.
  • When the cake is dry, use a clean toothpick poked into the cake, if the cake from sticking toothpicks were already there.
  • If you use microwave grill 40-60 minutes at 300F or when toothpick bread stick out.
  • Using a large clean towel and then coats the new autoclave cover lid also helps to significantly reduce the amount of water flowing into the gear, attention rather difficult if water seeped into many partitions.
Instructions on how to make cakes to supplement Flan menu tasty snack for children part 9
  • Now, put the cake mold on the cold water bath and let cool for 10 minutes to prevent the bread cool will make more. Get the light areas around the mouth cake knife and disc face is that we had a delicious flan for baby then.
Instructions on how to make cakes to supplement Flan menu tasty snack for children part 10
  • You've tried feeding flan warm yet? No need to refrigerate, as hot cakes all you can feed your baby while ensuring that delicious.
  • Add a little cafe sua da reassure husband died there love your cake
  • For children under 1 year of age can use powdered milk instead of condensed milk, the baby gets older you can use more coconut milk, fruit or vegetable flan question to change the taste.
Instructions on how to make cakes to supplement Flan menu tasty snack for children part 11
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